Photo Magazine
Interview with Pablo Corral Vega published in the French magazine Photo, accompanied by his most recent work on artificial intelligence.
Culture is everything we do
Interview with Pablo Corral by Angel Jaramillo on public cultural management for the magazine of the Chamber of Book Editors.
From the wonder of the light to the sway of the city
Interview by Milagros Aguirre to Pablo Corral Vega for Diners Magazine of Ecuador, January 2018.
Photography is the shape of silence
Prologue for the book ’25’ written in June 2007 by Susana Cordero de Espinosa
The invisible camera
Presentation of the writer Abdón Ubidia at the Andes exhibition at the Alliance Française in Quito in 2003.
The Andes of Pablo Corral
Foreword by Mario Vargas Llosa for the book ‘Andes’, published in 2001 by National Geographic.